Value-based Education

The Problem is not the Conversation, it is the Lack of Action and Experiential Knowledge…

On 20th May 2020, Jaslika hosted an expert interview which was facilitated by Jaslika Associate and Kenyatta University don, Dr. Becky Isanda. Our expert speaker was Dr. Sheila P. Wamahiu, Director and Researcher at Jaslika, who talked on the relationship between values, education and human rights. I use the 5W’s to explain my key takeaways.

Connecting the Dots: Character Formation and Value-based Education

Jaslika Director, Sheila Wamahiu, was invited to present a talk at the Value-based Education segment of the Smart Governance Conference organised by the Jesuit Hakimani Centre on 12th June, 2019. She was also invited to make a brief presentation at the closing plenary session. Her talk is presented below, slightly modified from this blog. The session on Value-based Education was moderated by Samuel Mukundi, a co-associate of Jaslika, in his capacity as a member of the Catholic Professionals Group. The recording of her talk was transcribed by Ernest Onguko.